The launch of our Winter Fuel Payment campaign this year 'If you don’t need it, please donate it' marks the beginning of a very difficult winter ahead.

We understand that this year, particularly, the Winter Fuel Payment will be of huge help for many more people, as we all feel the impact of rising energy prices and the cost of living crisis. However, for thousands of vulnerable, older people the cold kills.  

We are appealing to people who do not need their Winter Fuel Payment. If this is the case, then we would ask them to consider donating it to Small Acts of Kindness so that we can reach more older people struggling to keep warm.

We are experiencing an increase in  demand for our Warm in Winter gift bags that we have never seen before.  All donations will go directly towards items included in our bags which focus on helping to heat the person, not the home. These include fleece blankets, thermal hats and gloves, hot drink sachets, porridge and instant soup which all help reduce the health risks associated with being cold.

Our CEO, Lynne Misner explains 'It’s going to be a harsh winter for so many older people, but it’s reassuring to know that with your help we can support many more to keep warm. Recent feedback received from a gift bag recipient when asked how do you stay warm, really brings home how hard life is this winter,  "Heating on for one hour a day, hot water bottle with water heated for tea". Having to choose between food and fuel has never been more real.  Together we can reach so many more older people who will be really struggling this year.'

£100 will provide 20 older people with a mug, coffee, tea, hot chocolate, soup and porridge

£250 keeps 25 older people warm and cosy in a soft fleece blanket

£500 fills 15 Warm in Winter gift bags with essential keep warm items including a blanket, hat, gloves, hot drinks, soup and porridge

We are extremely thankful to everyone who donates part or all of their Winter Fuel Payment. If you would like to donate please visit Winter Fuel Payments.