At the start of lockdown the Worshipful Company of Framework Knitters began a project of knitted squares for charity. To date over 130 blankets have been created by volunteers from across the UK. Over 400 people are knitting to help others with many enjoying having a positive focus during such uncertain times.  An auction of blankets is being held from 9 - 22 November and information can be found via and also by clicking here. Over 10,000 knitted squares have been donated and they are well on our way to the next 10,000. Small Acts of Kindness have received over 50 handmade lap blankets, as well as a few full size blankets. These will be included as gifts in our Celebrate Christmas boxes for older people who are on their own over the festive period.

As well as supporting five charities through donating hand-knitted blankets, the project has provided a positive focus for volunteers during these difficult months.

With darker evenings approaching, the project will continue and hopefully give the volunteers something positive to do. Many comments have been received supporting the initiative and one volunteer said "I've really enjoyed knitting them and having a purpose, project and worthy charities to support during shielding and lockdown. A wonderful distraction and very therapeutic too".

Any support given will be most gratefully received by us and the other wonderful causes supporting our most vulnerable and homeless through what has been an incredibly challenging time.

Thank you for your support.

£10 Helps purchase gifts for an older person who would otherwise be alone at Christmas
£25 Covers the cost of a gift bag that will help keep an older person warm this winter
£50 Provides 10 older people with a blanket to wrap up warm in
£100 Provides 20 older people with extra warm clothing

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