An appreciation in rhyme Support for Small Acts of Kindness comes in many forms but, for the first time, someone has penned an appreciative poem. Bill Withers told us about his project of writing a book of rhymes on the subject of ‘kindness’. He noticed one of our bags while on the lookout for concepts to make up new rhyming verses and felt compelled to acknowledge us, in rhyme. We love this. Thank you Bill for the tribute and for allowing us to share your words with our widespread family of volunteers and supporters. It is unusual for meto name people in poetry,for I feel anonymitystill shows their magnanimity. But here’s an organisationthat deserves some admiration,and so, I unreservedlywill rhyme them some publicity. The first thing that I’d like to sayis to help those ageing folkwho bear the brunt of winter’s yoke. It isn’t just the cold for them,although this causes them mayhem,it’s loneliness and isolationand other such abomination. This charity epitomiseshow the winter victimisesthe elderly and isolated,and how the problem’s escalated. But recognising that it’s there,these lovely folk began to care,and worked out something pragmatic,which made their targets ecstatic. They filled up bags with stuff that wouldkeep people warm and do some good,developing their paradigmto ease the deep, dark winter time. They keep in touch with people whohave had their lives pushed all askew,simply because they have grown oldand face the dreadful winter’s cold. B. Withers 2021 Manage Cookie Preferences