Following our successful delivery of last year’s Health, Care & Kindness Bags, we were delighted to be asked again, to work in partnership with Hertfordshire County Council’s Public Health team.

We are extremely proud of our Small Acts of Kindness team and volunteer family, who are always ready and willing to help us deliver projects so efficiently. 

500 gift bags were packed in just one morning, containing items to primarily address food insecurities and help improve health and wellbeing, including phone power pack, shower gel, toothpaste and toothbrush, a water bottle, nutritional snack bars, a food container, measuring spoons, porridge, soup and a Tesco voucher. Alongside these practical gifts, information about available support and advice was provided, on topics including food organisations and mental health services.

Alison Walsh, the Health Improvement Lead – Vulnerable Young People for Public Health, Hertfordshire County Council commented, “Building on the success of last year, Public Health  - Hertfordshire County Council and Building Life Chances are proud to have once again partnered with Small Acts of Kindness to produce even bigger and better Health, Care & Kindness Bags for 2024.

500 gift bags have been produced and distributed to some of Hertfordshire’s most vulnerable children and young people. Working in collaboration with Herts Young Homeless, GATE, Hertfordshire Young Carers, care experienced young people and Family Centres, these gift bags have been placed into the hands of those children and young people most in need”.

Health, Care & Kindness Bags is a project in partnership with, and funded by Hertfordshire County Council.