This winter will see a further 150,000 older households pushed into fuel poverty (Age UK 2021) struggling to keep warm as they battle with high energy bills and rising living costs.  There are already around one million older households living in fuel poverty,  having to make the choice between heating their home and buying food.  

There are serious health risks for an older person who is cold in their home. It is much harder to regulate and maintain their body temperature and being cold can lead to health risks such as raised blood pressure, strokes, heart attacks and falls. There is also the negative impact that being cold can have on a person’s mental wellbeing including loneliness, depression and anxiety.

How you can help keep an older person warm this winter
Our Warm in Winter gift bags help heat the person when they might be struggling to heat their home.  You can help to fill our Warm in Winter gift bags by simply choosing which item or items you would like to buy. If you would like to buy more than one of any item please select the quantity from the drop down menu. All purchases you make will be fulfilled directly by us through the purchasing of those same items of stock as part of our Warm in Winter gift bag project. Alternatively if you would prefer to make a donation please click on the donate button.

'The blanket will save me putting the heating on as much, so you have saved me the money’
- Warm in Winter gift bag recipient

Thank you for your support and kindness to keep older people warm in their homes. Together we can make a difference.

Fleece Blanket


Purchase a fleece blanket to help an older person stay wrapped up and keep warm Read more



Purchase instant soup sachets for an easy and warm meal Read more



Purchase instant porridge to provide a nutritious breakfast Read more